Thursday, 29 April 2010

Finished Sections 1.50

Done and dusted, do not want to look at these again! Need to sort planting plans out now.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

1.50 Walled Garden Plan

Plans are now done for time being, just have to muster up some sections and sketches. The lawyers have been informed of pending divorce and disownment from children must surely be very near. All in the name of a poxy piece of paper.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

1.50 Plan

Like most I'm sure, there do not seem to be enough hours available to get all this done. Here's first 1.50, unfortunately, us that didn't have the pleasure of a French Trip have another one plus everything else to do. Other one nearly finished, but a lot more complex. I'm still not convinced my levels are spot on.....oh well.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Lighting Sections

I have this sick feeling that no matter how many hours I'm putting in the mountain just seems to be getting bigger! Must keep calm and carry on....

Friday, 9 April 2010

A couple more.......

If I could draw half as good as Juliette I'd be a happy man. Until miracles occur I shall rely on Photoshop.

Slapped wrists.....

Really should make more of an effort to upload......anyway here's a couple of offerings, lighting and rendered 1.200, not completely done but enough for blogger.